1월 28일 토익 분석-전북대 언교 임쌤토익
전북대 언어교육원 토익강사
1월 28일 토익을 분석해볼까 합니다.
전주공고에서 시험을 봤는데 난방이 제대로 되지않아서
떨면서 시험을 봤습니다.
이번 시험은 1월 13일 토익보다는 어려웠던 시험이었습니다.
LC는 항상 그렇듯 무난합니다.
팟 5에서 평소에 나오지 않던 문제가 나와서 중급자들이
실수를 하게끔 하는 문제가 몇문제 있었습니다.
작년 평균 문법(품사) 문제가 24문제 나왔는데
이번에는 29문제가 나왔습니다.
이번에 출제된 문제 중 자주 안나왔던 문제들입니다.
1. too ~ to 문제 : arrive too late to attend ~
cf) already 오답
2. 전치사+명사절 문제: Regardless of whether S+ V, S+V
cf) although 오답
3. nothing more important than ~ ~ 보다 더 중요한것은 없다
cf) other 오답
4. find + 목적어 + 목적보어(형용사) 문제인데 어휘 문제로 출제...
cf) feel 오답
5. 목적어 뒤에서 부사가 동명사를 수식하는 문제
addressing customer concerns consistently was crucial ~
cf) identically, largely 오답
아래는 1월 28일 토익정답입니다. 참고하세요.
Part 1
1. 한 남자가 공구를 가지고 잔디깍기 기계를 수리하고 있어요.
(C) He’s working on a machine.
2. 한 여자가 쇼핑몰에서 포장된 상품들을 손에 들고 살펴보고 있어요.
(D) She’s looking at some packages.
3. 식당에서 한 남자가 여성 서버와 이야기를 하고 있어요.
(C) The man is talking to a server.
4. 한 여자가 난간을 잡고 계단을 올라가고 있어요.
(A) She’s holding onto a handrail.
5. 소파 위에 여행가방이 놓여 있어요.
(C) A travel bag has been set on a chair.
6. 야외에 벤치가 보행로를 따라 길게 이어져 있어요.
(D) A walkway is lined with benches.
Part 2
7. 직장에 왜 늦었어요?
(B) Because I got stuck in traffic
8. 당신의 아파트 건물은 어디에 위치되어 있나요?
(C) On 5fh avenue
9. 어떤 맛의 아이스크림을 원하세요?
(B) I’ll take chocolate please.
10. 누가 파블로를 공항에서 픽업할 건가요?
(A) A driver will pick him up at 12.
11. 기차역이 어디 있나요?
(C) Right next to the university
12. 청소제품들이 언제 배송이 될까요?
(B) In 2 days
13. 우리 아직 전기요금 고지서 못받았죠, 그쵸?
(B) No, not yet
14. 체류가 어떠셨나요?
(A) I had a great time.
15. 누가 이 달의 직원상을 수상했죠?
(C) It still hasn’t been announced.
16. 제가 티켓을 예약해드릴까요?
(C) Yes, I’d appreciate that.
17. 버스가 공사장에 정차하나요?
(A) Oh, I’m going by car.
18. 이 스토브에 할인이 되죠?
(C) Yes, it’s 25% off.
19. 전자제품 코너가 어디에 있는지 안내 해주세요?
(C) Sure, follow me.
20. 이 셔츠의 소재가 무엇인가요?
(B) Let me check the label.
21. 소셜미디어 워크숍이 오후 6이전에 끝날까요?
(B) The schedule’s online.
22. 어떤 여행가방이 더 맘에 드세요, 노란색이요 아님 빨간색이요?
(B) The yellow one is a good size.
23. 창고 앞 주차공간이 폐쇄되었어요.
(A) There’s more spaces in the back.
24. 이 신발이 좋아 보이죠, 그쵸?
(A) I think you should try this pair instead.
25. 고객과의 점심식사를 위해 일찍 나가죠?
(A) I still have a lot to do.
26. 언제 건물을 파실건가요?
(C) We don’t have a real estate agent yet.
27. 이 명함들이 매력적이네요.
(B) Yes, the design is professional.
28. 배관공이 되는데 얼마나 오래 걸리나요?
(C) Are you interested in training for that job?
29. 비품창고에 여분의 테이블 하나가 있나요?
(A) We’re using it for the holiday party.
30. 뉴욕 방문시 제가 어디를 방문할까요?
(B) To the botanical garden
31. 오늘 예산 회의를 위해 누군가 회의실을 예약했나요?
(C) The meeting is tomorrow.
Part 3
32. What is the woman trying to do?
(D) Pick up a vehicle ***
33. What did the woman forget to bring?
(B) A confirmation number ***
34. What does the man say he will do?
(A) Search a database ***
35. Why did the man go to Amy’s office?
(C) To drop off some paperwork ***
36. Why is Amy unavailable?
(B) She is preparing to travel. ***
37. What time the man most likely do next?
(B) Conduct a training session ***
38. Why is the woman calling?
(C) To renew a subscription ***
39. Why does the man apologize?
(A) A discount does not apply. ***
40. What does the man say he will do?
(B) Send a document ***
41. Where do the speakers most likely worry?
(A) At a manufacturing company ***
42. According to the men, what is causing a problem?
(C) A machine is operating slowly. ***
43. What does the woman suggest?
(D) Scheduling a repair ***
44. What are the speakers discussing?
(D) Survey results ***
45. According to the man, what is the main problem?
(C) There is too much noise in the office. ***
46. What does the woman suggest doing?
(A) Reminding people about a company policy ***
47. What is the woman calling about?
(D) Filling an order ***
48. What does the man imply when he says, “The request came directly from the client”?
(B) A change is not possible. ***
49. What does the woman say she will do?
(C) Contact some businesses ***
50. What did the woman win a prize for?
(A) Having the highest sales numbers ***
51. What will the woman do this weekend?
(D) Go on a vacation ***
52. What will the woman do this weekend she will do with the prize?
(C) Offer it to someone else ***
53. Where does the conversation most likely take place?
(B) In a hotel ***
54. Why does the man say, “This is my first visit here”?
(D) To request a recommendation ***
55. Why does the woman recommend making a purchase on the Internet?
(C) The price is reduced. ***
56. Which industry do the speakers most likely work in?
(C) Web design ***
57. What does the man recommend?
(A) Hiring an accountant ***
58. What does the woman say she will do?
(D) Make an appointment ***
59. Why is the woman at Regal Advertising?
(C) For a job interview ***
60. What does the woman say is her specialty?
(B) Creating design for billboards ***
61. What does the woman say she appreciates about Regal?
(D) The company values its employees ***
62. What problem does the woman report?
(B) She is running late. ***
63. Look at the graphic. Where are the speakers going?
(A) To Los Angeles ***
64. What does the woman ask the man to do?
(D) Make a phone call ***
65. What problem does the woman mention?
(D) More storage space is needed. ***
66. Look at the graphic. Which shelf will the man work on today?
(C) Shelf 3 ***
67. What does the woman tell the man to do?
(D) Move a display table ***
68. What kind of business does the man want to start?
(B) A restaurant ***
69. What does the man say he learned from his previous business?
(D) How to identify potential customers ***
70. Look at the graphic. Which part of the business plan does the woman suggest revising?
(D) Part 5 ***
Part 4
71. What industry does the speaker most likely work in?
(C) Advertising ***
72. What is the speaker mainly talking about?
(C) A project delay ***
73. What are the listeners asked to do?
(A) Review a schedule ***
74. What is the main purpose of the message?
(A) To complain about parking ***
75. What does the speaker say he did yesterday?
(B) He talked to his neighbors. ***
76. What does the speaker plan to do tomorrow?
(D) Stop by an office ***
77. Where do the listeners probably work?
(D) At a shipping warehouse ***
78. What does the speaker imply when she says, “Now, there’s a box in the staff room”?
(C) A problem has been solved. ***
79. What will the speaker do on Fridays?
(C) Summarize feedback ***
80. What type of business recorded the message?
(B) A law firm ***
81. What does the speaker say about the office?
(D) It is being renovated. ***
82. What are the listeners instructed to do?
(A) Send an e-mail ***
83. What is the broadcast mainly about?
(D) The relocation of a business ***
84. According to the speaker, who is Sharon Rockford?
(C) A company president ***
85. What is Broadchurch Fashions planning to do next spring?
(A) Introduce a woman’s clothing line. ***
86. What kind of equipment has just been installed?
(D) Computers ***
87. What product feature does the speaker emphasize?
(C) It is secure ***
88. Why does the speaker say, “but they’re generally very busy”?
(C) To encourage the listeners to be patient ***
89. Where does the speaker most likely work?
(B) At an automobile dealership ***
90. What did the survey gather information about?
(D) Customer satisfaction ***
91. What incentive did the company provide for returning the survey?
(C) A free car wash ***
92. Who most likely are the listeners
(A) Sales representatives ***
93. What does the speaker imply when she says, “most people have a limited understanding of the topic”?
(B) A topic should be explained clearly. ***
94. According to the woman, what is the listeners’ goal?
(A) To meet a quota ***
95. Who most likely is the speaker?
(C) An event organizer ***
96. What does the speaker say about mobile phones?
(B) They will be centrally located. ***
97. Look at the graphic. Which area was added?
(A) Area 1 ***
98. Where does the speaker most likely work?
(D) At a museum ***
99. What does the speaker thank the listeners for?
(C) Agreeing to help with a project ***
100. Look at the graphic. Which amount has changed this year?
(B) $80 ***
Part 5
101. (B) her
102. (C) too
103. (A) opening
104. (C) After
105. (C) successful
106. (B) on
107. (B) to visit
108. (D) inexperienced
109. (A) how
110. (A) use
111. (D) increasingly
112. (D) for
113. (C) nothing
114. (A) find
115. (B) whether
116. (D) According to
117. (D) restrictions
118. (A) exceptional
119. (D) more energetically
120. (D) evaluate
121. (C) substantial
122. (A) consistently
123. (B) functional
124. (B) Despite
125. (A) has transferred
126. (A) Even though
127. (D) as long as
128. (C) reasonably
129. (B) has been offering
130. (A) engagement
Part 6
131. (B) will be merging
132. (C) created
133. (D) Both companies have an excellent reputation in their respective industries.
134. (C) They
135. (B) department
136. (D) My extensive experience makes me an ideal fit for your company.
137. (D) Prior to
138. (C) gives
139. (A) serve
140. (B) No action is required if you like your current service.
141. (D) preference
142. (D) Our
143. (A) rapid
144. (C) benefits
145. (D) also
146. (B) In fact, she believes that in twenty years only electric cars will be sold here.
Part 7
147. (C) Doctors and nurses
148. (D) Contact Mr. Gopal
149. (A) New customers
150. (D) Update a security code
151. (C) He has forgotten important information.
152. (B) He needs more specific instructions.
153. (A) To acknowledge completion of travel arrangements
154. (D) Sign a document
155. (D) It includes a service offered regularly.
156. (C) At Ms. Arellano’s residence
157. (C) 384.95
158. (C) A housing developer
159. (C) They include some appliances.
160. (D) [4]
161. (A) Knowledge of the area's parks
162. (B) benefit
163. (D) By visiting a Web site
164. (C) A valuable opportunity for the company
165. (B) The firm ~ greater visibility.
166. (C) Landscaping
167. (C) Discuss the requests from Coral City officials
168. (B) It is taking longer than anticipated.
169. (C) Work from a remote location
170. (A) Financial summaries
171. (D) An architecture firm
172. (B) Leaders of companies
173. (A) It is easy to begin implementing.
174. (C) A review of policies
175. (C) [3]
176. (B) It is conveniently located.
177. (C) To request information about a museum tour
178. (A) A mentoring program
179. (D) Full Access
180. (D) Earth, Fire, Water, Wind
181. (B) To advertise a company's new program
182. (D) The head of a company
183. (C) To answer a question
184. (C) He is an engineering student.
185. (B) In Bristol
186. (C) It can make customized products.
187. (A) To ask for advice
188. (D) Attribute 5
189. (B) Boxes of different sizes
190. (D) Expanding bio foam
191. (A) They will help modern appliances run better.
192. (D) It has not been finalized.
193. (C) A city street will be closed to traffic.
194. (B) He lives on Moringa Street.
195. (B) An NESI employee
196. (A) It is able to host
197. (D) It is a decision he cannot make alone.
198. (C) In the Bougainvillea Room
199. (C) A venue that he likes might be reserved by another group.
200. (D) On August 23