임쌤토익/정기토익 후기

11월 26일 토익 분석(전북대 언교 임쌤토익)

전북대 임쌤토익 2017. 11. 27. 23:07


"전북대 언교 임쌤토익"입니다.

어제 시험을 저는 전주 공고에서 시험을 봤습니다.

스피커도 좋고 꽤 괜찮은 시험장입니다.

지난 11월 12일 시험보다 쉬었습니다.

그런데 12일 성적이 대체적으로 잘나와서

아마 성적은 잘 안 나올수 있지 않을까 생각이 드네요.

자 그럼 이번 시험 분석해 볼까요..

문법은 이처럼 주로 23~25문제가 출제가 됩니다.

위의 분석표에서 보듯이

자주 출제되는 부분이있고 전혀 출제 안되는 부분이 있으니

이러한 것을 염두해 두고 토익을 공부해야 합니다.

* 독해 할때 시간이 부족해요! *

이런 질문을 많이 받습니다.

뒤쪽 3중지문은 펴보지도 못하고 찍었다. 

난 2중 지문부터 25문제를 찍었다. 등등.. 

그럼 임쌤이 제안하는 토익독해 Solution !!

1. 600점 이하

   독해(147번 부터~) 풀다가 중간 중간 마킹을 하고, 끝나기 20분전에 팟 5,6(101번부터) 풉니다.

2. 600 초반~700점 초반

    팟1 그림 나올때 팟5 문제 중에서 쉬운 문제를 10문제 정도 풀어야 합니다.

    독해(147번~) 부터 풀다가 15분 남았다는 안내 방송에 남은 독해 그만풀고 앞부분을 풉니다. 

3. 700점 중반 이상

   팟1 그림 나올때  쉬운 문제 15문제 정도를 풀고 RC가 시작하자 마자 독해부분을 풉니다.

   이중지문(185번) 또는 3중지문(190번) 부터 뒤에서 앞으로 독해를 풀어옵니다. 

  15분 남았을때 앞 부분을 풉니다.

더욱 자세한 스킬은 강의때 알려줄게요.

"11월 26일 토익정답"입니다. 참고하세요.

101.  (A) experience

102. (B) improves

103. (D) commendable

104. (B) ready

105. (C) strictly 

106. (D) professionalism 

107. (B) Previously

108. (D) highly

109. (C) unless 

110. (A) last 

111. (C) accurately 

112. (B) met 

113. (B) reasonable

114. (C) despite

115. (A) qualified 

116. (D) cash

117. (A) her 

118. (D) drove

119. (A) prior to 

120. (B) during

121. (C) whose

122. (A) replacing 

123. (B) returned 

124. (D) innovative 

125. (B) began 

126. (C) sufficient 

127. (C) repeatedly 

128. (B) pace 129. 

129. (A) not only 

130. (C) alternative.

Part 6

131. (A) postponed

132. (B) before

133. (D) Only a few city streets currently have lanes set aside for bicycle riders.

134. (C) increase

135. (A) These updates will begin automatically at 11 A.M.

136. (D) notice

137. (A) However

138. (D) disruption

139. (A) regretfully

140. (C) Ms. Falconelli plans to teach courses and take on an apprentice.

141. (B) instruments

142. (A) also

143. (B) forward

144. (C) provider

145. (C) Once the updates are made, review your contract carefully.

146. (B) These

Part 7

147. (D) A restaurant chain

148. (D) Most require previous experience.

149. (A) To ask about volunteer opportunities

150. (B) She is available to help in the evenings.

151.  (A) She has just registered a business.

152. (C) Interviewing job applicants

153. (D) She is unsure whether her timeline is reasonable.

154. (B) It will have an electronic display.

155. (A) A list of activities

156. (B) Advancing the welfare of children by partnerships   

157. (D) A child health-care specialist   

158. (A) A recording will be made available.   

159. (D) [4]

160. (B) To give information about software

161.  (C) A pamphlet of the new fonts

162. (A) connect

163. (B) To remind him about a deadline

164. (D) It is available for an additional charge.

165. (A) To inform her about an upcoming event

166. (C) It is located in the town of Gladsbury.

167. (B) [2]

168. (D) To ask them to work in her place   

169. (D) He will work with Ms. Kirmina later in the week.   

170. (B) She accepts Ms. Munro’s decision.   

171.  (C) He is in charge of scheduling shifts.

172. (B) To review details of a program

173. (A) Printing on both sides of paper

174. (B) weekly

175. (C) Glass jars

176. (D) To recommend a hotel

177. (B) It is a local specialty

178. (A) A travel agent   

179. (C) It is being held in Manchester.

180. (D) Reservations have been made there.

181. (B) It arrived sooner than expected.

182. (A) She has purchased items from Raymark Supplies before.

183. (C) Select

184. (C) Sea Mist paint

185. (D) Store credit for returned items

186. (B) She has operated a business for fifteen years.

187. (B) At the City Conference Centre

188. (A) To respond to a question

189. (C) June 18

190. (D) Administrative assistant

191. (B) An elected official

192. (B) Every two months

193. (D) examination

194. (A) To delay a visit by a city employee

195. (D) It has developed structural problems since April 5.

196. (B) Employees must read a document ahead of time

197. (C) in the Machili building

198. (B) To inquire how he can make up a missed session

199. (D) Submit a document to human resources department

200. (A) Information about available services will be shared.

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