임쌤토익/정기토익 후기

12월 30일 토익분석(전북대 언어교육원, 임쌤토익)

전북대 임쌤토익 2017. 12. 30. 22:11


전북에서 토익을 가장 잘아는 강사 !!

"전북대 언어교육원" "임쌤토익"입니다.

오늘 12월 30일 토익 시험을 잘  보셨나요?

1달에 2번씩 1년에 24번의 토익시험을 

매번 응시하는 것도 쉽지만은 않네여..

그러다 보니 듣기 팟 3,4는(32번부터 100번) 

선택지(A,B,C,D)만 봐도

어느것이 답이지 않을까 하는 생각이 듭니다.

토익이 좋아하는 표현이 많습니다.

2017년 12월 30일 토익 팟5,6를 분석해 볼까 합니다.

보시다 시피 토익이 좋아하는 문법은 정해져 있습니다.

문법은 평균 24문제가 출제됩니다.

그러니 넘 문법 위주로 공부를 하면 토익에서 쪽박을 찰 수 있습니다.


학원선생님이 1~5형식 문법, 주어와 동사 찾기등의 문장 분석 위주로 가르치면

그것은 토익 수업이 아니고 영문법 수업 이라는 것을

Part 1

1. 남자가 손에 가방을 들고 계단을 내려오고 있어요.

(C) He’s walking down some stairs.

2. 여자가 실험실에서 장갑을 끼고 있어요.

(B) She’s wearing safety gloves.

3. 남자가 여자손님에게 음식을 쟁반에 담아 서빙하고 있어요.

(C) The man is setting down a tray.

4. 기차가 기차역에 정차해 있어요.

(A) A train is stopped at a platform.

5. 남자가 선반의 높이를 조절하고 있어요.

(D) A man is adjusting some shelves.

6. 거실에 있는 벽돌소재의 벽에 여러 그림들이 걸려있어요.

(C) Some artwork has been mounted on brick walls.

Part 2

7. 누가 제품 포커스 그룹을 조직하나요?

(C) Elizabeth is in charge of that.

8. 직장에 통근시간이 얼마나 걸리나요?

(A) A ten-minute train ride

9. 언제 새로운 건물로 이사할 있을까요?

(B) By the end of next week

10. 구내식당이 여기 층에 있나요?

(B) Actually it's closed for renovations.

11. 윌몬트 은행이 지금 채용중이죠, 그쵸?

(A) No, they already filled the position.

12. 일일 특선요리가 얼마나 같아요?

(C) Let's ask the waiter.

13. 어느 여행가방이 당신의 것인가요?

(C) The brown one with a yellow tag

14. 종이상자들을 옮기는 일을 도와주실 있나요?

(B) Sure but let me print first.

15. 토요일에도 의사선생님을 만날 있나요?

(C) No, but she can see you on Monday.

16. 프린터기에 파워스위치는 어디있죠?

(B) It's on the back near the power cord.

17. 오늘밤 이테리 음식을 드실래요, 아님 멕시코 음식을 드실래요?

(B) I'd prefer Mexican.

18. 인턴쉽 프로그램을 위한 날짜를 결정하셨나요?

(A) Yes, I'll email you about it.

19. 진료예약을 기다리는 동안에 자리에 앉아계시는게 어때요?

(B) Thanks. I will.

20. 시내 퍼레이드가 취소되었죠, 그쵸?

(B) It was, unfortunately.

21. 지금 새로운 컴퓨터 소프트웨어에 패치를 해야하는거 아닌가요?

(C) The new version comes out in December.

22. 회사가 이전하는거죠?

(B) The rent has become unaffordable.

23. 제가 당신의 휴대폰을 사용할 있을까요?

(A) The battery's nearly dead.

24. 관광안내사무소가 어디에 있나요?

(B) Cross the bridge and turn left.

25. 커피머신이 다시 고장이 났어요.

(C) There's another one downstairs.

26. 가게는 휴일기간에는 문을 일찍 닫죠, 그쵸?

(A) Yes, at noon each day

27. 교육에 얼마나 많은 메뉴얼이 필요할까요?

(C) I'll check the attendee list.

28. 버나드가 언제쯤 마을에 도착할까요\!

(C) He was at the meeting this morning.

29. 오늘 저녁 7시로 제가 저녁 예약을 해두었습니다.

(A) But the show starts at 7:30.

30. 물품 주문을 오늘 하는 거죠?

(B) Pedro's out of the office next week.

31. 계약서에 서명을 해서 시작하도록 하죠?

(B) Our legal team is still reviewing it.

Part 3

32. (B) Human Resources

33. (A) Holding an information session

34. (C) Send a meeting invitation

35. (A) Landscaper

36. (C) To decline a request

37. (B) Check a schedule

38. (B) At an apartment complex

39. (A) An item is difficult to carry.

40. (D) Set up an appointment

41. (A) A professor

42. (D) They cannot be taken from a building.

43. (C) Transfer a phone call

44. (A) Developing a marketing strategy

45. (B) It comes with a warranty

46. (B) Offering a discount to certain customers

47. (B) At the restaurant

48. (A) To negotiate a price

49. (B) By speaking with a manager

50. (C) Meeting a project deadline

51. (A) Some job interviews 

52. (C) The possibility of a promotion

53. (C) A yearly dinner

54. (B) He donated some artwork.

55. (D) Update an attendance list

56. (B) At an electronics company

57. (D) A product is not functioning correctly.

58. (A) Change a project timeline

59. (B) Publishing

60. (A) A design does not look good.

61. (D) Prepare a new sample

62. (A) A sales associate

63. (C) Ventiflexers

64. (C) Check an inventory

65. (A) He is on the wrong train.

66. (B) South

67. (D) He has to make a seminar presentation.

68. (C) Office 303

69. (B) Repair a water leak

70. (D) His coworkers are on vacation

Part 4

71. (C) A health exam

72. (B) Free food

73. (D) Complete a form

74. (D) Construction

75. (D) There has been an increase in applications

76. (C) Submit some blueprints

77. (A) A meeting will not last long.

78. (B) A consultant evaluated a business.

79. (C) Selling salon products

80. (A) At a farm

81. (B) To describe a tour

82. (A) Buy some items

83. (B) Marketing

84. (A) Brainstorm ideas

85. (D) Present information about a show

86. (B) A schedule was incorrect.

87. (D) University professor

88. (A) Collaboration skills

89. (C) For closing up a business

90. (A) She cannot solve a problem herself.

91. (A) A machine will be repaired.

92. (B) An architecture firm

93. (C) By conducting meetings online

94. (A) He will now give a demonstration

95. (D) A new book series

96. (D) Database training

97. (C) A project timeline

98. (B) A supermarket chain

99. (C) Canned foods

100. (C) Speak with some managers

Part 5

101. (D) quickly - (문법 공식집 20 적중)

102. (D) both 

103. (D) film - (문법 공식집 1 적중)

104. (B) recommended 

105.  (A) his - (문법 공식집 68 적중)

106. (C) still - (문법 공식집 21 적중)

107. (D) that - (문법 공식집 76 적중)

108. (A) until - (문법 공식집 59 적중)

109. (B) repeatedly - (문법 공식집 20 적중)

110. (C) unwanted ***

111. (B) submitted ***

112. (C) before - (문법 공식집 46 적중)

113. (C) reliable - (문법 공식집 11 적중)

114. (C) regulations ***

115. (B) Toward *** - (문법 공식집 61 적중)

116. (C) randomly ***

117. (B) variety - (문법 공식집 1 적중)

118. (A) handle ***

119. (D) resourceful - (문법 공식집 14 적중)

120. (D) destination ***

121. (A) is taking ***

122. (C) genuine ***

123. (C) installation - (문법 공식집 1 적중)

124. (B) regarding ***

125. (C) reportedly *** - (문법 공식집 12 적중)

126. (A) objectives ***

127. (B) Once in a while ***

128.(B) efficiently ***

129. (A) few *** - (문법 공식집 72 적중)

130. (C) substantial ***

  -수강생에게 제공하는 최고의 적중을 자랑하는 임쌤 토익 문법 공식집-

Part 6

131. (C) between

132. (C) The dates of the project are over a school holiday.

133. (D) accessible

134. (B) should expect

135. (A) of

136. (B) will be donated

137. (C) excluded

138. (D) This year, we aim to double that amount.

139. (D) should have received

140. (C) Keep this link handy for easy access.

141. (A) so

142. (B) After this 

143. (A) recent

144. (C) Enclosed 

145. (B) You will see that our prices compare favorably with those of our competitors.

146. (D) account

Part 6

147. (B) In a library

148. (D) To repair a roof

149. (B) Maintain physical files

150. (A) It can help users limit their spending.

151. (A) To introduce a doctor to an organization

152. (C) She is scheduled to meet with staff members.

153. (C) At 12:37 P.M.

154. (A) He is tired of waiting in line.

155. (A) To request that he update his account information

156. (D) To change the name on an account

157. (A) Have a package redelivered

158. (D) The origin of a publishing company

159. (A) He enjoys discovering new authors.

160. (C) Mr. Mentz's business partner

161. (C) To request more information from a job applicant

162. (A) A clothing company

163. (C) [3]

164. (A) To communicate about the status of a project

165. (D) When the presentation must be ready

166. (B) In the engineering department

167. (C) Lead the city council meeting

168. (D) The exhibit content is unsuitable for the show.

169. (B) It takes place over two days.

170. (C) Maintaining a fair use of space among all exhibitors

171. (B) They must limit the size of any samples.

172. (B) sights

173. (D) Locations for meetings

174. (B) It is located close to restaurants.

175. (C) [3]

176. (C) attracting

177. (B) She carefully planned for the initial costs.

178. (C) Its dedication to customer service

179. (A) To inform him of an available position

180. (D) She attended the same university as Ms. Spiro.

181. (A) To give feedback for an upcoming publication

182. (C) It has recently hired a consultant

183. (D) On February 24

184. (B) The type of material

185. (D) 74 inches

186. (A) To advise entrepreneurs on using the Internet for business

187. (B) She gave a presentation on Monday.

188. (D) Participants will have multiple opportunities to receive coaching.

189. (C) He made a payment to CEDA.

190. (B) It will conduct a similar program later in the year.

191. (C) Its June tours are selling out quickly.

192. (C) Shoppers' Paradise

193. (A) Check the weather forecast

194. (B) He will do some sightseeing without a guide.

195. (D) $40.00

196. (B) To find out if she needs to take it.

197. (D) It will be sent to Ms. Nair soon.

198. (C) Pages 18~20

199. (B) In the Teaching Lab

200. (C) All provide engineering software.

토익은 실력+스킬입니다.

토익 문제 풀이  스킬만 알아도 당장 70점 이상은 오릅니다.

토익 독해 뒷부분을 대부분 찍으시죠?

시간이 부족하죠?

그건 자신의 실력이 부족해서도 있지만

RC 문제를 앞에서 101번 부터 풀기 때문입니다.

뒤의 독해 부터 풀어야 합니다.

자세한 스킬은 강의때 알려드릴게요.

개인의 점수별로 문제를 푸는 순서가 달라야 합니다.


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"임쌤토익 11월 강좌 리얼 후기"